Overview of the Club
CAPSI is an association of pharmacy students and interns that is invested in their professional development and the issues affecting their profession. Our organization strives to facilitate the excellence of pharmacy students in academia and professionalism through educational and practical experience outside of the pharmacy curricula. CAPSI operates on five different principles: Unity, Academics, Professionalism, Excellence and Advocacy.
CAPSI National Council is composed of Executives and Locals, all proud ambassadors for the profession of Pharmacy. Each Executive position is annually filled by an elected candidate from any Canadian Pharmacy faculty, and two Local candidates are elected to represent their respective Pharmacy faculty.
Your Local CAPSI Council at UBC consists of your Senior Representative, Junior Representative, Secretary and other executive council positions to help run initiatives for the students over the year. Refer to the local website for more information: http://capsiubc.com/
Highlights or Club Initiatives
CAPSI provides a strong voice for pharmacy students in issues that concern both students and the profession as a whole. In addition, CAPSI…
- Provides opportunities for professional advancement through innovative educational programs
- Promotes the unification of pharmacy students both nationally and internationally
- Promotes peer interaction and exchange of ideas through conferences and symposia
- Provides other membership benefits as listed below.
Benefits of Being a Member
Free items and membership benefits to other professional associations
- CAPSI notebook, sponsorship merchandise
- Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) Associate Membership
- 20% discount on Agro iMCQ for students preparing for the PEBCs (licensing exams)
Opportunities to attend conferences and events:
- CPhA PxP Conference
- Professional Development Week (PDW) Conference (Taking place in Halifax January 8th – 12th 2025: https://www.pdw2025.com/)
- Pan American Regional Symposium and World Congress through IPSF
- Local events and presentations hosted by CAPSI UBC
Opportunities to participate in local and national competitions (practice clinical skills, earn money, prizes and financial bursaries for attending PDW)
- Student Literacy Challenge
- Over the Counter Competition
- Patient Interview Competition
- Compounding Competition
- Advice for Life
- Poster Competition
- UBC’s Next Top Pharmacist
- Pharmafacts Competition
Opportunities for awards:
- Award of Professionalism
- Travel bursaries for conferences
Opportunities to get involved within the UBC PharmD program:
- Advocacy committee
- Community Outreach committee
- Executive positions
- Pharmacy Appreciation Month (PAM)
How to Be a Member
Reach out to your CAPSI UBC Yearly Representative and they will be able to help you out:
- First Year Rep: TBD (capsiubc.firstyearrep@gmail.com)
- Second Year Rep: TBD (capsiubc.secondyearrep@gmail.com)
- Third Year Rep: Shae Lovely (capsiubc.thirdyearrep@gmail.com)
- Fourth Year Rep: Mark Seo (capsiubc.fourthyearrep@gmail.com)
You can also reach to your CAPSI Senior Representative or CAPSI Junior Representative
- Senior: Jeevan Gill (ubcsr@capsi.ca)
- Junior: Jade Ng (ubcjr@capsi.ca)
Links to the Club’s Pages
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CAPSIUBC
- Website: http://capsiubc.com/
- Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/capsiubc/