Pharmacy in Healthcare Literacy Club

Overview of the Club

PIHL is a new club with the objective to bridge the gap in patient education on accessing and using healthcare services, including pharmacy. We aim to do this through establishing pharmacy students as educators via projects and collaboration with community sites

Highlights or Club Initiatives

  • Graphics and toolkits aimed to educate patients on how to access medication cost assistance
  • Targeted presentations in the community to improve public understanding of how they can navigate healthcare services

Benefits of Being a Member

  • Learn more about barriers to accessing medications and healthcare in BC
  • Gain experience in planning and creating resources for the community
  • Apply your learning in the pharmacy program by building resources for patients!

How to Be a Member

Membership is free and we invite you to take initiative to work on a project as part of one of our project teams! Contact us through our email or FB at the start of the term about opportunities.
Follow our FB page to get updates on when we are seeking applicants for executive positions, thanks!

Links to the Club’s Pages
